Sansom Land For Sale

Real Estate For Sale. We have others - so do not stop here - CALL ME AT 270-302-2836 to view any of these properties. We Buy and Sell - so contact me for a Free, No Obligation Proposal on your property. I want to be The Auctioneer and Real Estate Broker You TRUST!

Location: Hartford, KY

I specialize in Farm, Hunting, and Rural Home Property. Born and raised on a farm, still live on my own farm, have an Agricultural Economics Degree, 30 years of real estate experience, plus ownership of commercial, farm, and residential rental property gives me a unique perspective and ability most agents do not have. For more information on services I offer - go back to

Monday, April 30, 2007

Caldwell County Lots

2 lots available - both are approx. 2 acres. You can combine them for a slight discount. Owner Financing with only 10% down payment - call or e-mail for details. Priced at only $7,950 each. Single wide and double wides OK. Just call or e-mail for a plat and directions to see them.

Princeton Lots

10 lots on Hwy 62 near the Caldwell/Lyon county line. Just minutes from Land Between the Lakes recreational area. Electic and County water available.

Princeton Lots

10 lots - located on 2 blacktop roads. $25,500 to $42,500 each. Restricted to single family homes.

Princeton Lots

Some lots have wooded areas, all are gentle rolling. Sizes from 1.36 acres to 6.43 acres. combine several to make the size rural home site you want.